
Malchus got up that morning had his coffee, kissed his wife and played for a few minutes with his children. Now it was time to go serve the High Priest. The next thing he knew they were joined by the Chief Priests, the Pharisees and...

Have you ever fallen asleep during prayer, of course you have, we all have nodded a time or two during our prayer time. But this story is different, Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, we are...

Communion, the Eucharist, The table, The Lord’s Supper, whatever you call it, it is a feast of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. When you ingest the bread and wine, you are receiving the mystery of the ages, you are partaking of healing, strength...

Has your mouth ever got you in trouble by saying something your heart could not back up?  That is what happened to Peter, “Lord let me follow you right now, I will lay down my life for you.” To which Jesus retorts, “ Will you...

You know that uneasy feeling you get when everyone in the room is trying to avoid the unpleasant task that needs to be done but no one is moving toward doing it. You know the elephant in the room, foot washing. Lets face it if...

There is nothing worse than 12 ambition men in the same room. Jesus was sharing his last meal with them before going to the cross. He had already broken the bread and shared the wine then he broke the sad news to them that one...

This is such an interesting text, many of the rulers were believing in Jesus, but keeping it on the down-low. They were not speaking of their new found faith for fear of losing their place in the Synagogue. We are told the loved the approval...

Amid the backdrop of the Olivet Discourse Jesus talks to His disciples about 10 virgins, 5 were wise, and 5 were foolish. The wise virgins took enough oil and the foolish ran out of oil and begged their fellow virgins for some of theirs. They...

We refer to Matthew 24-25 as he Olivet Discourse because it takes place on the Mount of Olives. But the first two verses tell us that Jesus came out of the temple on His way to the mount when he referenced the temple itself. He...

We know this story as “The widows mite”, and our focus is usually on the widow. But I would like for us to consider the the rich people in this story, and what Jesus says about them. We are told that Jesus observed the rich...