21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Day Fourteen

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Pastor Art Snow 

Day 14 Fasting your lack of oil. Matthew 25:1-13

Amid the backdrop of the Olivet Discourse Jesus talks to His disciples about 10 virgins, 5 were wise, and 5 were foolish. The wise virgins took enough oil and the foolish ran out of oil and begged their fellow virgins for some of theirs. They of course refused. 

As many would know “oil” in the Bible is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. What this parable is saying to us today is “don’t let the oil of the Holy Spirit run out in your lives.” If you can imagine your person as a glass, the Holy Spirit can not fill your glass if it is full of you. Today is a good day to empty your glass out of self and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Himself. Fast your lack of oil and ask God to fill you up with Him. My challenge is for you to do this all during this Daniel Fast and beyond. You will find yourself like the 5 wise virgins with more than enough oil to walk that narrow walk. 

The last lesson to learn from this parable is, oil can not be shared with another, I can’t lend it to you and you can not lend it to me, we can only slosh in our own oil !

Pastor Art Snow
