21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Day Twenty

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Pastor Art Snow 

Day 20 Fasting your weariness. Matthew 26:38-46

Have you ever fallen asleep during prayer, of course you have, we all have nodded a time or two during our prayer time. But this story is different, Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, we are told that it was here that Jesus sweated drops of blood as He looked into the cup of suffering that awaited Him. 

All he asked for was that the three men closest to Him on earth stay awake and pray with Him for an hour, yet weariness won the battle and all three dosed off while Jesus wrestled with the idea of taking on the sin of the world. Not just the sin of those living on earth at that time, but the sin of all those who had lived before Him and all those who would live after Him. 

I am sure all of us have allowed weariness to win the battle from time to time, when given the choice between getting up and doing devotions of sleeping another 20 minutes we often chose our good friend the pillow. Today is a good day to fast weariness and pray, read, and worship.

Pastor Art Snow
