21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Day Ten

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Pastor Art Snow 

Day 10 Fasting your hypocrisy. Matthew 22:15-22

Jesus call them as He sees them. The Pharisees slide up to the Master under the ruse of paying taxes. But He sees right through the smoke and mirrors and calls them “Hypocrites”. You know what hypocrites are right, believing one thing while doing another, or worse yet requiring others to live in a way that you yourself are not able to live. 

Jesus put up with a lot of things as He walked the dusty streets of ancient Israel, but the one thing that always pushed His button was hypocrisy. At one time or another every one of us have played the hypocrite, saying one thing but living another. Or telling others the “right” way and not quite living that way ourselves. 

Well today is a good day to fast hypocrisy, asking the help of the Holy Spirit of God to help you walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Talk is cheap as they say, but living like Jesus and being partakers of the “Divine Nature” is a whole other thing. The goal for these 21 days is to walk the walk, let’s start today. 

Pastor Art Snow
