21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Day Eight

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Pastor Art Snow 

Day 8 Fasting prayerlessness. Mark 11:15-18

One of my favorite stories in the Gospels is Jesus cleansing the Temple. This magnificent structure built by Zerubbabel and enlarged and beautified by Herod the Great, was called to be a place of prayer for all nations. Yet what the religious people of Jesus day had made it into was a place of commerce and cheating. Hypocrisy and filthy lucre dominated the old stone structure and little prayer ascended to Heaven.

One of my favorite authors on the subject of prayer was the late Leonard Ravenhill, he says the following about prayer:

The Spirit comes upon praying people. 

I believe the failure stems back to our poverty in prayer.

We need prayer to obtain victory and then prayer to maintain victory.

Without prayer we cannot live the Christian life.

The place where the Christian stops to refuel is prayer.

Indeed we are only as strong as our prayer life. The church today like Judaism of Jesus day has lost her focus on one of the most important weapons we possess that of prayer. The great preacher C.H.Spurgeon said; “ Prayer is that slender nerve that moves the muscle of Omnipotence.” Today is a good day to fast prayelessness, spend some time with Jesus today. 

Pastor Art Snow
