21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Day Five

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Pastor Art Snow 

Day 5 Fasting your infirmity Matthew 20:29-34

I have always loved this story, for several reasons. First the two blind man one named Bartimaeus (we know from the account given in Mark and Luke) asked for mercy, there is great power in God’s mercy. There is a famous prayer called “The Jesus Prayer” based partially on this account. It goes like this, “Lord Jesus Christ,Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” God is always happy to show mercy, it is his stock and trade. 

Second I love that Jesus asked them, “what do you want me to do for you?” I believe Jesus is always asking us this same thing, what do yo want me to do for you. Today is a good day to answer Him, think about the question. What “infirmity” is there in your life that you want Him to remove? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), His fountain of mercy overflows for any who ask. 

What “infirmity” are you needlessly carrying today? I love how the account ends, “Moved with compassion Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.” 

Yes they followed Him, give Him your infirmity and follow Him. 

Pastor Art Snow
