21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Intro and Day One

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Pastor Art Snow 

21 Day Fast Towards Divine Nature

Normally as a church we participate in the Daniel fast for the 21 days leading up to Good Friday. This year I am asking each person to seek God on what form of fasting they would choose.

 In addition I have prepared a daily devotional that will aid us in our pursuit of “Divine Nature” (2 Peter 1:4).  Each story is taken from the last week in the life of Christ leading up to his arrest in the Garden.

 I would invite you to take time to again look at the graphic that represents our preaching theme this year and imagine the Trinity inviting your into their dance. As you ascend to join them, you in turn walk away from the “corruption that is in the world”. Allow these 21 devotionals to be the wind at your back blowing you closer and closer to our Holy Father, Precious Jesus, and Sweet Holy Spirit. 

Day 1 Fasting a thankless life. Luke 17:11-19

Leprously, a death sentence. In the ancient world there was no cure for this dreaded disease that ate at the human flesh. The victims skin first turned white then the fingers and toes would fall off, followed by the limbs until it took their life. 

It was this malady that these ten men suffered from, nine Jews and one Samaritan. Although these two people groups were normally enemies, they all shared the common bond of the same fate, death. 

As they saw Jesus passing by they all cried out for mercy. Jesus sent them to the priest, according to the Old Testament (Leviticus 14) if God healed you from leprously you were to go to the priest and be ceremonially cleansed. 

As they went they were healed. Nine of them went off to start their new lives while only the Samaritan returned to praise God and thank Jesus for healing him.

These nine men represent so many Christians who life thankless lives. They neglect thanking God, for life, for breath, for health, for family, for jobs, for food on the table, for gas in their cars, you get the picture. 

Today is a good day to fast “a thankless life” and to spend some time giving praise to God for your daily bread. We serve a Great and Gracious God, on this first day of our fast, give Him thanks.  

Pastor Art Snow
