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This message will kick off the new series entitled “ Sifted by Grace.” This particular sermon will deal with the challenge of being poor in spirit. As you listen you will encounter several Biblical characters who displayed humility and a couple who did not. Hopefully...

As Americans we too often live our lives with blinders on, you know only seeing what effects our nation, our immediate surroundings, our communities. A beautiful thing happens when the blinders come off and we realize there are 195 nations in the world and Jesus...

How you every thought about who God will use for his next great move, or his next great miracle? Well no doubt it will be one of his children who have “embraced the fire”. This message answers the questions, what makes me useful for the...

Inspiration. Where does yours come from? Some might answer, music, others a walk through the woods, still others reading ancient Greek poetry. Most of my inspiration comes while riding my motorcycle through the backroads of rural America where there is more wildlife than people....

This message is not only the introduction to the 2022 preaching theme but also an invitation from the Trinity to join them in their Divine Dance and become partakers of their Divine Nature....

This message invites every follower of Jesus to take a ride on the L train, changing their view of the horizon. This daily challenge must be met by a commitment to The Way that leads to the abundant life. Listen to find the Roadway that...

This message introduces you to the guide on the Roadway, the Holy Spirit. The Bible is our compass and the Spirit our guide as we are led by God to our preferred future on Hod’s Roadway. Listen learn and enjoy the journey....

In this message we are introduced to the preaching theme for 2021, Roadway. The world before us is certainly different the world behind us. We are traversing uncharted territory, we are off the map and need God as we never have to make the journey....