Author: admin

Mourning is another counter-cultural trait we’re taught is a mark of a Christian. From Mark 5:5 we learn how grief, sadness, and mourning fits in the life of believers...

This message will kick off the new series entitled “ Sifted by Grace.” This particular sermon will deal with the challenge of being poor in spirit. As you listen you will encounter several Biblical characters who displayed humility and a couple who did not. Hopefully...

As believers, we should go through life on fire and always coming in hot. We are refined by the fire, and as we move from furnace to furnace, yielding to the holy fire will allow us to be shaped and molded as only God can....

When we are facing great challenges, how we respond is determined by our surrender to the Refiner’s Fire. Submit yourself early and often to the fire that refines so the great trials and challenges are met with a firm, steady character which glorifies God and...

How you every thought about who God will use for his next great move, or his next great miracle? Well no doubt it will be one of his children who have “embraced the fire”. This message answers the questions, what makes me useful for the...

What happens once we've gone through the Refiner's fire process? What kind of effect does it have on us. In this message, Jag explains how the impact of the Refiner's fire gets us through our everyday situations. ...

Inspiration. Where does yours come from? Some might answer, music, others a walk through the woods, still others reading ancient Greek poetry. Most of my inspiration comes while riding my motorcycle through the backroads of rural America where there is more wildlife than people....

In closing this series, we must be aware, piercingly aware, of Who God is, what He can do, and who we are in Him. We are citizens of heaven having an earthly experience. To live on earth as it is in heaven is to live...

How do we know we are living Heaven on Earth? Our connection to Heaven disrupts the powers of earth and changes the things around us. We should never settle for living comfortably when God has called us to be disruptive....

Come out of hiding and authentically experience God! In this message, we discuss things that may keep us from showing up and doing the work God has called us to do. We also discuss the benefits of leaning in and pushing past discomfort when pursuing...